Features of complex therapy in the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is a complex pathology that can cause dangerous health consequences.

In order to slow down its development and cope with dangerous symptoms, it is necessary to visit a doctor in time. The specialist will make the correct diagnosis and choose the appropriate treatment.

Clinical picture and pathology classification

lower back pain with hip arthritis

The pathology is of a progressive nature and is accompanied by the destruction of the bones and cartilage of the hip joint. In medicine, this disorder is often called coxarthrosis. It is classified in ICD-10 under code M16.

Most often, the pathology occurs in people older than 40 years, and women are more susceptible to it.

In older people, the disease is associated with the natural aging of the body. In young people, the cause of the development of the disease can be traumatic injuries, excess weight, increased physical activity.

In the initial phase of the disease, there are periodic pains in the joint area. Without adequate therapy, the disease progresses, which can lead to disability.

Causes and provoking factors

The pathology has a gradual development and is associated with various factors. The following factors lead to the appearance of the disease:

  1. Hormonal imbalance - can have an age-related or pathological character.
  2. Violation of blood flow - occurs as a result of injuries, increased physical effort, vascular pathologies.
  3. Inflammation - can be seen in arthritis.
  4. Excessive weight - increased loads on the hip joint cause its compression and destruction.
  5. Genetic predisposition - disorders in the structure of the femoral head often lead to arthrosis.
  6. Increased physical activity - rarely causes arthrosis, but can accelerate the onset of the disease with other unfavorable factors.
  7. Traumatic injuries - include sprains, fractures, dislocations.

Phases and types of arthrosis

pain in osteoarthritis of the hip joint

There are several stages in the development of the pathology:

  1. The first stage - in this stage unpleasant sensations occasionally appear. The provoking factor is prolonged physical activity. After a short rest, the discomfort subsides.
  2. The second stage - the pain in the hip joint increases, affecting the groin and thighs. Discomfort also occurs at rest. After a long movement, lameness appears. In this phase, joint function suffers, its motor activity decreases. Contractures gradually develop, strength and muscle mass decrease.
  3. The third stage - the pain syndrome is permanent and occurs even at night. Walking without a cane is very difficult. Movements are disturbed and sharply limited, there is hypotrophy of the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and lower legs. When moving, the person must lean on the toes and lean on the affected side.
  4. The fourth stage - in this stage, the hip joint completely loses motor activity.

Symptoms and manifestations

With the development of this type of arthrosis, the following manifestations occur:

  1. Severe pain in the area of the affected joint and knee. Also, discomfort can occur in the groin. The pain is constantly present. As the disease worsens, it affects the legs.
  2. Violation of motor activity. Terrible pain syndrome disrupts a person's ability to move. In this situation, he must use a cane or crutches.
  3. Shortening of the affected limb.
  4. Lameness.
  5. Crackling in the wrist that occurs with any movement.
  6. Stiffness of movement.
  7. Atrophy of muscle tissue in the thigh area - revealed by X-ray.

Methods for diagnosing the hip joint

arthritic hip pain

When making a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account the clinical manifestations of the pathology, the anamnesis, the results of the patient's external examination and instrumental studies.

To make an accurate diagnosis, perform the following studies:

  1. Analysis of patient complaints and external examination of the damaged area.
  2. X-ray - with its help, it is possible to identify the size of the joint space, bone growths, etc.
  3. Ultrasound procedure.
  4. Blood tests.
  5. M. R. I.

If necessary, the inner surface of the articulation is examined with arthroscopic instruments. Differential diagnosis is carried out to exclude gonarthrosis, lumbosacral or thoracic osteochondrosis. Arthritis pain can be disguised as clinical manifestations of radicular syndrome caused by nerve pinching or inflammation. It is usually possible to rule out neurogenic pathology with the help of a number of tests. Arthrosis of the hip joint necessarily differs from trochanteric bursitis of the hip joint, Bechterew's disease, reactive arthritis. To rule out autoimmune pathologies, biochemical studies of blood and synovial fluid are carried out.


In order to cope with arthrosis of the hip joint, it is necessary to choose a combined therapy.

General recommendations for daily routine and diet

In the initial stage of the pathology, the doctor advises to adjust the way of life. This will help stop the pain and stop the progression of the disease. At this stage, it is usually enough to correct the lifestyle and adhere to a special diet.

The doctor recommends the patient to perform special physical exercises. Diet correction is equally important. If you are overweight, you should definitely lose weight. Increased stress on the joint will not allow the elimination of arthrosis.

The basis of the diet should be fish. You can also eat lean meat, legumes, green vegetables, coarse bread. At the same time, it is recommended to avoid fried food and fast food. You have to eat fractionally, in small portions.

Conservative therapy

hip joint pain due to osteoarthritis

Medical treatment is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • pain relief;
  • normalization of tissue nutrition;
  • stimulation of the regeneration process;
  • improved blood flow;
  • reducing pressure on damaged areas;
  • expansion of the joint space.

To solve these problems, you should use the following categories of drugs:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs relieve pain and inflammation. However, they are unable to restore the affected cartilage.
  2. Chondroprotectors. They supply the tissues with nutrients and stop the destruction of the joints, which helps to restore their functions.
  3. Muscle relaxants. With the help of such means, it is possible to remove spasms of muscle tissue and normalize blood flow in the tissues.
  4. Creams and ointments. Such means activate blood flow and remove spasms.
  5. Steroid hormones. These drugs are injected into the joint cavity. Thanks to this, it is possible to cope with the aggravation of the disease and eliminate severe pain.
  6. Vasodilators. They contribute to the expansion of blood vessels in the joints and supply tissues with useful substances.

Folk and alternative means

In addition to standard therapy, you can use the following tools:

  1. Tinctures and decoctions for internal use. The basis of such means can be lemon, mummy, honey, medicinal herbs.
  2. Fats from natural ingredients. You can use eucalyptus, aloe, celandine oil for their preparation.
  3. Baths and wraps. To stop the symptoms of arthrosis, compresses based on cabbage leaves and Jerusalem artichoke baths can be used.


injection into the hip joint in arthrosis

Physiotherapy is actively used in the remission phase:

  1. Shock wave therapy - in this case, the body is affected by sound waves, which ensure blood flow to the desired area. This improves the process of regeneration of the dermis and stimulates metabolic processes.
  2. Myostimulation - helps restore the functioning of muscle tissue, which weakens due to the forced reduction of motor activity.
  3. Phonophoresis - under the influence of a special device, a special medicine in the form of ointment or cream is injected into the affected area.
  4. Ozone therapy - reduces discomfort and activates cartilage development. This effect is achieved by the influence of the ozone-oxygen composition.

Surgical methods

shock wave therapy for hip arthritis

With the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, surgical interventions are prescribed:

  1. Puncture - is the pumping out of excess fluid from the joint. Thanks to this, it is possible to stop the pain and normalize physical activity.
  2. Arthroscopic debridement - includes cleaning the inner joint surface of cartilage elements and washing the cavity with a special solution.
  3. Periarticular osteotomy - is an artificial fracture of the femur. After that, it is connected at a different angle, which reduces the load on the connection.
  4. Endoprosthetics - in this case, the entire joint is replaced with a prosthesis.

It is impossible to restore the cartilage tissue of a joint damaged by arthrosis without prosthetic surgery, but with a proper approach to treatment, compliance with all medical regulations, maintaining a proper lifestyle, performing therapeutic exercises, regular massage courses, taking vitamins and proper nutrition, you can stop the process of cartilage damage and destruction andhip joints.

Orthopedic goods

A cane can be used to relieve stress on the hip joint. In some situations, a person is advised to use crutches.

Very often, people with this diagnosis are advised to wear a soft bandage. The use of an orthosis helps to reduce the load on the affected area, protects it from dislocations and reduces physical activity.


In the most difficult situation, a person becomes disabled, completely loses the ability to work and cannot lead an active lifestyle. This condition is very dangerous for the elderly. If you do not help a person, his life expectancy is significantly reduced.

hip replacement options for arthrosis


Pathology has a favorable prognosis for life. In addition, the disease usually develops slowly. However, in some situations there is a risk of aseptic necrosis of the femur, which is life-threatening.

Arthrosis of the hip joint is a serious pathology that can cause a complete loss of motor activity. To avoid this, you must consult a doctor in a timely manner and strictly follow his recommendations.